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The Spectral Theorem


QTAQ=D for any symmetric matrix A

  • By induction method.
  • Find AB and BDAD

ASSUME Q1=[v1:v2::vn] an orthogonal matrix for which Av1=λ1v1.

Q1TAQ1=[v1Tv2TvnT]A[v1:v2::vn]=[v1Tv2TvnT][Av1:Av2::Avn]=[v1Tv2TvnT][λ1v1:Av2::Avn]=[λ10A1]=BBT=Q1TATQ1=Q1TAQ1=BB is symmertric A1 is symmetric B=[λ100A1]
 ABcA(λ)=cB(λ) cA(λ)=cB(λ)=det(BλI)=det([λ100A1]λI)=det([λ1λ00A1λI])=(λ1λ)det(A1λI)=(λ1λ)cA1(λ)

The characteristic polynomial of A1 divides the characteristic polynomial of A. It follows that the eigenvalues of A1 are also eigenvalues of A.

A1 is a k×k real symmertric matrix Let P2TA1P2=D1Q2=[100P2]Q=Q1Q2QTAQ=(Q1Q2)TA(Q1Q2)=(Q2TQ1T)A(Q1Q2)=Q2TBQ2=[100P2T][λ100A1][100P2]=[λ100P2TA1P2]=[λ100D1]
One day we will climb the highest mountain, and suvey the smallest point.