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Notes of Topology

Lesson 1: Topological Spaces

Topological Spaces

Definition of topological spaces

A topological space is a pair (X,T) where X is a set and T is a collection of subsets of X such that:

  • T and XT,
  • for every infinite collection {Oα}αAT, we have αAOαT,
  • for every finite collection {Oi}1inT, we have 1inOiT.

The set T is called a topology on X. The elements of T are called the open sets.

Definition via closed sets

Let (X,T) be a topological space. For every open set OT, its complement cO={xX,xO} is called a closed set.

In other words, a set AX is closed iff cA is open.

Topology of Rn

Open balls of Rn

Let xRn and r>0. The open ball of center x and radius r, denoted B(x,r), is defined as:


Euclidean topology

Let ARn be a subset. Let xA.

We say that A is open around x if there exists ϵ>0 such that B(x,ϵ)A.

We say that A is open if for every xA, A is open around x.

We denote the set of such open set by TRn, the Euclidean topology on Rn.

Topology of Subsets of Rn

Subspace topology

Let (X,T) be a topological space, and YX a subset. We define the subspace topology on Y as the following set:


Continuous Maps

Continuous maps

(X,T) (Y,U)

Let f:XY be a map. We say that f is continuous if for every OU, the preimage f1(O)={xX,f(x)O} is in T.

Lesson 2: Homeomorphisms

Homeomorphic Topological Spaces

Definition of homeomorphism

Let (X,T) and (Y,U) be two topological spaces, and f:XY a map.

We say that f is a homeomorphism if

  • f:XY is continuous,
  • f is a bijection,
  • f1:YX is continuous.

If there exist such a homeomorphism, we say that the two topological spaces are homeomorphic.

Homeomorphism equivalence relation

Let us write XY if the two topological spaces X and Y are homeomorphic, i.e., if there exists a homeomorphism f:XY.

For any X, we have XX.

Moreover, we have XYYX.

We also have a third property XY and YXXZ.

Connected Components


Let (X,T) be a topological space. We say that X is connected if for every open sets O, OT such that OO=, we have X=OOO= or O=.

In other words, a connected topological space cannot be divided into two non-empty disjoint open sets.

Connectedness as an invariant

Invariant property

Two homeomorphic topological spaces admit the same number of connected components.


Invariance of domain

If mn, the Euclidean spaces Rm and Rn are not homeomorphic.


Let (X,T) be a topological space, and n0. We say that it has dimension n if the following is true: for every xX, there exists an open set O such that xO, and a homeomorphism ORn.

Dimension Invariant

Let X, Y be two homeomorphic topological spaces. If X has dimension n, then Y also has dimension n.

Lesson 3: Homotopies

Homotopy Equivalence between Maps


Let (X,T) and (Y,U) be two topological spaces, and f,g:XY two continuous maps. A homotopy between f and g is a map F:X×[0,1]Y such that:

  • F(,0) is equal to f,
  • F(,1) is equal to g,
  • F:X×[0,1]Y is continuous.

If such a homotopy exists, we say that the maps f and g are homotopic.

For any t[0,1], the notation F(,t) refers to the map


Trivial maps

From a homotopic point a view, a trivial map is a map that is homotopic to a constant map.

Homotopy Equivalence between Topological Spaces

Definition of homotopy equivalence

Let (X,T) and (Y,U) be two topological spaces. A homotopy equivalence between X and Y is a pair of continuous maps f:XY and g:YX such that:

  • gf:XX is homotopic to the identity map id: XX,
  • fg:YY is homotopic to the identity map id: YY.

If such a homotopy equivalence exists, we say that X and Y are homotopy equivalent.

Deformation retractions

Let (X,T) be a topological space and YX a subset, endowed with the subspace topology T|Y.

A retraction is a continuous map r:XX such that xX, r(x)Y and yY, r(y)=y.

A deformation retraction is a homotopy F:X×[0,1]Y between the identity map id: XX and a retraction r:XX.

Homotopy Equivalence Relation

Homeomorphic implies homotopic

Let X, Y be two topological spaces. If they are homeomorphic, then they are homotopic equivalent.


Number of connected components

Two homotopy equivalent topological spaces admit the same number of connected components.

Lesson 4: Simplicial Complexes

Combinatorial Simplicial Complexes

Standard simplices

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The standard simplex of dimension n is the following subset of Rn+1

Δn={x=(x1,,xn+1)Rn+1,x1,,xn+10 and x1++xn+1=1}

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For any collection of points a1,,akRn, their convex hull is defined as:


We can say that Δn is the convex hull of the vectors e1,,en+1 of \Rn+1, where ei=(0,,1,0,,0)

Simplicial complexes

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Let V be a set (called the set of vertices). A simplicial complex over V is a set K of subsets of V (called the simplices) such that, for every σK and every non-empty τσ, we have τK.


Topological realization

Let K be a simplicial complex, with vertex V={1,,n}.

In Rn, consider, for every i[1,n], the vector ei=(0,,1,0,,0).

Let |K| be the subset of Rn defined as:


where conv represent the convex hull of points.

Endowed with the subspace topology, (|K|,T|K|) is a topological space, that we call the topological realization of K.


Let (X,T) be a topological space. A triangulation of X is a simplicial complex K such that its topological realization |K| is homeomorphic to X.

Euler Characteristic

Euler characteristic

Let K be a simplicial complex of dimension n. Its Euler characteristic is the integer:

χ(K)=0in(1)i(number of simplices of dimension i)

Let X be a topological space. Its Euler characteristic is defined as the Euler characteristic of any triangulation of it.

Euler characteristic is an invariant

If X and Y are two homotopy equivalent topological spaces, then χ(X)=χ(Y).

Lesson 5: Homological Algebra

Reminder of Algebra


We recall that a group (G,+) is a set G endowed with an operation


such that:

  • (associativity) a,b,cG, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c),
  • (identity) 0G, aG, a+0=0+a=a,
  • (inverse) aG, bG, a+b=b+a=0.

Quotient group

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A subgroup of (G,+) is a subset HG such that


If H is a subgroup of G, the operation +:G×GG restricts to an operation +:H×HH, making H a group on its own.

Suppose that G is commutative**, and that H is a subgroup of G**. We define the following equivalence relation on G: a,bG,


Denoted by G/H the quotient set of G under this relation. For any aG, one shows that the equivalence class of a is equal to a+H={a+h,hH}

Let a0,a1,,an be a choice of representants of equivalence classes of the relation .

The quotient set can be written as G/H={0+H,a1+H,,an+H}.

One defines a group structure on G/H as follows: for any i,j[0,n],


The group (G/H,) is called the quotient group.

The group Z/2Z

The subgroup 2ZZ consists of all even numbers.

The relation abab2Z admits two equivalence classes: 2Z={2n,nZ} and 1+2Z={1+2n,nZ}

The quotient group can be seen as the group Z/2Z={0,1} with the operation


For any n1, the product group ((Z/2Z)n,+) is the group whose underlying set is


and whose operation is defined as


Note that the set (Z/2Z)n has 2n elements.

Vector spaces

Let (F,+,×) be a field. We recall that a vector space over F is a group (V,+) endowed with an operation:


such that

  • (compatibility of multiplication) λ,μF, vV, λ(μv)=(λ×μ)v,
  • (identity) vV, 1v=v where 1 denotes the unit of F,
  • (scalar distributivity) λ,υF, vV, (λ+υ)v=λv+υv,
  • (vector distributivity) μF, v,wV, λ(u+v)=λv+υv.

Let {v1,,vn} be a collection of elements of V. We say that it is free if


We say that it is spans V if


If the collection {v1,,vn} is free and spans V, we say that it is a basis.

A linear subspace of (V,+,) is a subset WV such that

u,vW,u+vW and vW,λF,λvW

Just as for groups, we can define an equivalence relation on V, and a quotient vector space V/W.

Isomorphism & Isomorphic

We have dimV/W=dimVdimW

Let (V,+,) and (W,+,) be two vector spaces. A linear map is a map f:VW such that

u,vV,f(u+v)=f(u)+f(v) and vV,λF,f(λv)=λf(v)

If f is a bijection, it is called an isomorphism, and we say that V and W are isomorphic.

Z/2Z-vector spaces

Let (V,+) be a commutative group.

It can be given a Z/2Z-vector space structure iff vV, v+v=0.

Chains, cycles, and boundaries


Let K be a simplicial complex. For any n0, define the n-skeleton of K:


Also, define



Let n0. The n-chains of K is the set Cn(K) whose elements are the formal sums

σK(n)ϵσσ where σK(n),ϵσZ/2Z

Boundary operator

Let n1, and σ=[x0,,xn]K(n) a simplex of dimension n. We define its boundary as the following element of Cn1(K):


We can extend the operator n as a linear map n:Cn(K)Cn1(K) as follows: for any element of Cn(K),


For any n1, for any cCn(K), we have n1n(c)=0.

Cycles and boundaries

Let n0. We have a triplet of vector spaces


We can consider their kernel and image.

We define:

Kernel (set theory) - Wikipedia

  • The n-cycles: Zn(K)=Ker(n),
  • The n-boundaries: Bn(K)=Im(n+1).

We say that two chains c, cCn(K) are homologous if there exists bBn(K) such that c=c+b. Two chains are homologous if they are equal up to a boundary.

Homology Groups

Homology groups

nth homology group of K:



Let K be a simplicial complex and n0. Its nth Betti number is the integer βn(K)=dimHn(K).

Homology Groups of Topological Spaces

Invariant property

The homology groups of a topological space are the homology groups of any triangulation of it. We define its Betti numbers similarly.

If X and Y are two homotopy equivalent topological spaces, then for any n0 we have isomorphic homology groups Hn(X)Hn(Y). As a consequence, βn(X)=βn(Y).

Incremental Algorithm

Incremental Algorithm

Ordering the simplicial complex

Positivity of simplices

Let i[1,n], and d=dim(σi). Recall that Ki=Ki+1{σi}.

The simplex σi is positive if there exists a cycle cZd(Ki) that contains σi.

In other words, there exists c=σK(n)iϵσσCn(Ki) such that ϵσi=1 and n(c)=0. Otherwise, σi is negative.

Input: an increasing sequence of simplicial complexes K1Kn=K

Output: the Betti numbers β0(K),,βd(K)

One day we will climb the highest mountain, and suvey the smallest point.